Display advertising

The video advertising network provides an opportunity to present your goods, services, promotions, or create hype for the target segment via text and interactive forms of advertising. It’s crucial to ensure your ad is shown to the target audience; that’s why display media warrants larger budgets. The image advertising network we manage includes a large group of different websites (youtube.com, gmail.com, and other major ad networks). Your advertisement will engage differently with the target audience on each portal, depending on the selected technological methods of advertising campaigns.

Our Display Advertising Solutions

Our Display Advertising Solutions
Contextual advertising allows text and/or image advertising to be broadcast only on relevant web pages that are oriented with pre-selected keywords. For example, if we choose the word ‘health,’ your ad will appear only on articles/pages that mention it.

Modern ad management systems can collect visitor demographics while preserving their privacy. So you can adjust the display of your ads with precision. In Lithuania and other countries, it is possible to broadcast video advertising on different portals only to users of the chosen age and gender, for example, only to women aged 25-34, etc.

If you want to display your product endorsements to land on specific pages, our exclusive broadcast ads are tailor-made to run on on a pre-selected list of websites.

Modern advertising management systems, while preserving the privacy of visitors, can accumulate the history of their hobbies (interests) and later broadcast advertisements that resonates with their interests. For example, a visitor interested in “Finance” frequently visits various financial sites. Thus, these visitors will be engaged by ads related to finance, leading to an increase in the campaign’s effectiveness.

We provide clients with a Google-certified project team. If you want to display your product endorsements to land on specific pages, our exclusive broadcast ads are tailor-made to run on on a pre-selected list of websites.